Canterbury is the quickest place to buy a property

It has the most estate agents per capita at 219 agencies. There are 261.7 properties on average, an average house price of £311,154 and owners staying in a property for 7.1 years

Canterbury is the quickest place to buy a property

Canterbury is the quickest place to buy a property outside of London, with a property being listed on average for just 28 days, Comparethemarket has found.

It has the most estate agents per capita at 219 agencies. There are 261.7 properties on average, an average house price of £311,154 and owners staying in a property for 7.1 years

Peterborough and Coventry are joint second at being quickest to buy with properties in them regions being listed for 35 days on average. This was followed by Southampton at 40 days.

People tend to own a property for the longest in Coventry (12.5 years on average), followed by Peterborough at 11.6 years and Portsmouth at 9.3 years.

The areas that take the longest to buy include Liverpool, with properties being listed on average for 108 days. This could be due to having 1443.5 properties per 100,000 people and only 85 estate agencies.

This was followed by Newcastle at 96 days and both Leeds and Birmingham at 80.

The shortest time people own a property for is 2.2 years on average in Manchester, followed by 2.5 in the city of Bristol, 2.7 years in Newscastle and 2.8 in Nottingham.

London takes 89 days to sell on average, people own a property there for 6.9 years on average and with an average house price of £639,629, nearly five times the average house price of the cheapest area outside of London, Bradford which has an average house price of £131,036.

In terms of the cheapest properties Sunderland is the second cheapest area with an average house price of £140,155, followed by Liverpool (£165,592).

Despite being the quickest region to sell, Canterbury also has the most expensive average house price of £311,154, still less than half than that of London. This was closely followed by the city of Bristol at £311,003 and Southampton (£280,128).