Later Life Lending

LiveMore reinforces team by filling key roles

It announces new heads of three departments

LiveMore reinforces team by filling key roles

Cautious customers defer from equity release - but it will grow, says industry body

Cost-of-living slump for the finance solution mirrors the Brexit and pandemic effect

Cautious customers defer from equity release - but it will grow, says industry body

more2life ups max LTV on Flexi Choice products

It adds to benefits such as fixed ERCs and free EPC

more2life ups max LTV on Flexi Choice products

Pure Retirement raises LTVs on Classic range

The change is part of a series of product improvements from the equity release specialist

Pure Retirement raises LTVs on Classic range

How have market challenges impacted the later life lending market?

MD highlights how rate rises and LTV contraction are prompting change

How have market challenges impacted the later life lending market?

Equity Release Council issues new guide on clear communication

New handbook is available to the council's membership of more than 750 firms and 1,900 registered individuals

Equity Release Council issues new guide on clear communication